Gorgeous Being! I hope this message finds you well in these extra-ordinary times. We are all going through significant changes on multi-dimensional levels, and I want you to know you are not alone.
Many of you have been reaching out in various ways. We talked about emotions and thoughts during this pandemic, family and work, anxiety and stress.
Questions that I’ve been getting the last couple of weeks haven’t gone unnoticed. So let me share with you my “witch tips” on how to stay healthy and strong whilst being locked up in your home.
Through the years, I’ve noticed the beneficial effects of having a morning routine. When I stick to this habit, my day flows with much more ease.
Now don’t think this routine is taking me hours. I’m someone who doesn’t take nor have all day to meticulously go through detailed routines. I love techniques that are is easy, accessible and applicable, and if those things help me get the results that I want, I’m going to stick to them – no matter what.
Also, my routines aren’t static. No repetitive behaviour whole year-round. I have a witchy mindset which flows with the seasons. So as I change with the seasons, so do my habits.
But it is times like these (the moments when humankind adds so much energy to a specific type of being and believing) that I feel the need to amp up my game.
So let me share with you three routines that I’ve been practising the last couple of weeks. Just to keep my body and energy-field healthy and strong.
A) Every morning I make myself a fresh celery juice. Sometimes pure celery, other times, I add different greens such as spinach, kale, green pepper or wheatgrass. And a zest a lemon always gets me going.
First time I drank it, which was years ago, I didn’t like the taste at all. Still, I stuck to regularly slow juicing celery because I noticed my skin getting clearer, my energy levels going up, and in the morning I didn’t need two cups of coffee anymore to get me going. This juice works wonders for my metabolism and is amongst other things, high in vitamins C and K and potassium.
B) Move. I used to have exercise-induced asthma in my teens and got used to not moving because I wasn’t fond of using my inhalator for two reasons.
The first one had everything to do with having gone through a couple of intense asthma attacks. Imagine your breath suddenly taken and the feeling of not getting enough oxygen while you start to make this awful squeaking sound while breathing. A sudden asthma attack can be a scary experience that leaves its mark. I did everything in my power not to go through such episodes again.
The second reason was because of the medicine itself. It made me tired AF. So the best thing I could come up with to cope with this situation was not to exercise at all.

Can you imagine I’m a yoga teacher now? I never want to go back to these days of not feeling connected to my own body. I need to move, every day. Be it through a Vinyasa sequence or walking 10.000+ steps (I live at the edge of the forest, so that’s quite easy – though I walk way more when I’m in New York City hahaha).
Days when I don’t get to move as much as I’d like to take their toll on me – mentally and physically.
Movement is a celebration for my body and an appreciation to my body.
C) Since I’ve always been interested in ways to beat fear, I was naturally drawn to breathing techniques. And as a singer, I learned to breathe quite effectively. But breathing was taken to a whole other level when I started experiencing and researching different breathing techniques that were connected to my yoga practice.
Every morning I tune into my body and breath. My breath is my thermometer showing me where I am on the scale of being versus doing. There’re different techniques, and I’ll gladly share more about that, but let me get to the sharing in a minute …
I cleanse my auric field – daily – multiple times. This sounds like a hassle, but over these 22 years of practising, I sure did crack a code.
Let me share with you which tools always worked for me without getting into all the details of how this practice changed the life of this very intuitive and high sensitive person.
Crystals, herbs, incense and oils are my go-to’s. I used to burn a lot of incense when I was younger (which luckily didn’t trigger my asthma, for this was only exercise-induced). But once I went to university and moved out of my parental home, I noticed – with the travelling, staying over at other peoples houses etc. – that the burning of herbs and incense wasn’t always welcomed. Nor was it something that I found practical and accessible.
So I started experimenting with creating my own potions and elixirs. No more smoke, no extra luggage, just some potent witchcraft in a bottle to spray.
I started experimenting with boiling herbs, infusing water with different types of crystals and more. It turned into a practice that now is imprinted in my bones – or maybe it had been all long.
Nowadays, I share my potions in the form of crystal aura sprays with clients, spray them during yoga classes and design special editions for events, workshops and rituals.
Today I’m extra happy for I may announce that this new moon in Aries brings the launch of my very own webshop! And in the webshop, you’ll find amongst other products the special edition aura spray ‘Healing Waters’.
Healing Waters is that aura spray for extra-ordinary times! The mix of essential oils dates all the way back to 1413 CE and holds purifying, refreshing and revitalising ingredients. The healing properties of this spray are supported by water out of the Chalice Well in Glastonbury – known for its healing qualities. And I’ve amplified the vibrations of this spray with clear quartz crystal, moon magic and positive affirmations.
This is a perfect spray to accompany you at the (home)office to keep you energetically fresh and clean, and during the challenging winter months when your immune system can use an extra boost.
If you want to know more, I’ve recorded this video for you in which I share more about:
-the Healing Waters crystal aura spray,
– the ingredients I used,
– and a limited edition Healing Waters Boxset, which comes with the aura spray, a Healing Waters Candle and Clear Quartz Crystal including a gift from me to you. An online 30-minute coaching call to program your crystal. So you can stay on top of your game no matter what!
I have so much more to share on the topic of routines, consciously creating your energy and tuning in with your body, your mind and intuition.
I would love to share this with you in a free 7-day mini-course.
But before I go and spend hours behind a computer to create this course, I need to know from you if this is something you might be interested in and what it is that you want to learn.
Is it how to weave your own magic? Tap into your intuition. Create a helpful mindset and a healthy body. Or maybe something I haven’t mentioned so far …
Please reach out to me. Just give me a shout. E-mail me or send a message via Instagram or Facebook, and I’ll be in touch.
Let’s get in touch soon, so we can make this homebound time even more fruitful. Because it is when we get to grow and use our inner power on this beautiful planet, we all grow and evolve together.
For now – be healthy, wise and safe. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.
All blessings be,