It’s the first new moon of this decade on the 24th of January. To me, it always feels as if the new year is really settling in on the first new moon. And the energy that she brings this time is totally resonating with that.
This year the new moon falls in the sign of Aquarius, the known water-bearer, but nonetheless an Air sign so pretty mental in nature. Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, bringing team spirit, quirkiness and innovative ideas. How to get the best out of these elements? Keep on reading, because there are more ingredients to add.
And with this new moon welcoming the Chinese Year of the Metal Rat! The Rat is the first in the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac and stands for high flexibility, vitality, spirit and alertness, with the element of metal adding some strong self-awareness and sensitivity.
Witch tip for 2020: The Metal Rat is divine energy fuelling your ambitions, drive and possible business dealings, thus an absolute power boost. Though be mindful. The Metal element can bring in some emotional sensitivity to the table. Make sure to check in with yourself regularly and take a moment to relax, so you don’t let your emotions run your life, business or communications.
So how to make the best of this astrological time and weave your magic? This new moon is a great time to start with setting your intentions. After the busy holiday season, I hope you’ve had time to do some grounding and inner work to get clear on what it is that you want to attract and manifest. If not, don’t worry – now is the time! Described below, you’ll find a three-step ritual to get your witch power going.
To attract and manifest your desires, it’s essential to spend time with your power frequency, namely the vibration of being the creator of your life. We’ve all heard it: dream big. Dreaming and hoping is one thing, but if fear and self-doubt are continuously popping up their heads, freezing instead of moving towards your desires, you’re keeping yourself away from your inherent power and the endless possibilities in which you can design your own life.
The new moon represents a deep sense of quiet, a journey within, while you transition through this lunar time of renewal and new beginnings – yay to the new year! Let’s use this time in creating clarity, strategy, but first and foremost, harmony.

To support yourself into attuning to your power frequency start by cleansing your auric field. Release and relief yourself of old vibrations and energetic debris that are a result of the past year or even decade.
Do this by taking a cleansing salt bath or shower. Salt cleanses your energy field, so while you’re playing mermaid, you’re getting an automatic cleansing of your system. You can even sprinkle some dried sage into your bathwater, which will support the clearing energies.
If possible, replace sea or Himalayan salt with Epsom salt to add minerals to the water that will support muscle relaxation due to the high levels of magnesium so you can also enjoy a physical detox.
If you don’t have a bath, make yourself a scrub from salt and sage.
While washing or bathing attune to the intention of releasing any negative vibrations that are keeping you from your highest potential. Really take time to quite the shatter that forms the obstacles on the road to attracting and receiving what it is that you desire.
After bathing, treat yourself like the divine being you are by massaging your body with your favourite mineral-free oil, like almond oil. You can add some essential oil with a soothing fragrance to the equation.
Think about your dreams. What are you manifesting during this new moon? While massaging your body, let the ideas come.
Now sit by your altar (or table), light your white candle (using white as a representation for all possibilities) and decorate your altar with white flowers. Meditate for a few minutes on all the desires that just travelled through your consciousness and pick only three things out of the whole bunch that you want to manifest.
Write down:
1. Something you wish will unfold quite quickly,
2. Something which you want within the course of three to four months,
3. And the third one over half a year.

Now use the following two weeks to revisit the three things on your list and journal. Writing down all the things that you can do to support a full display of your dreams into your life. Remember. Dreaming is one thing. Formulating them out in the open and into your journal is the second step of conscious manifesting. Acting accordingly is the third (and often forgotten) crucial step to open up your life to the frequencies that you want to attract.
If you really desire to make your magic insightful, set your alarm for the 3rd of August. On this day, a full moon in Aquarius will occur, allowing you to review the events over the past few months. Don’t worry if something didn’t manifest. Ask yourself if this is something that you really want, something that sparks an emotion of joy. If yes, find a new strategy to get you there. If not, drop it. And most important, celebrate your accomplishments!
– Himalayan, Sea or Epsom salt,
– Dried sage,
– Your favourite mineral-free body oil,
– White candle,
– White flowers,
– Journal and pen.
You are divine, pure potential. As a result, your innate power is infinite, and what you can accomplish might blow your mind. Lots of power to you while weaving your magic!
I absolutely would love to hear from you. Show or tell me how your ritual went. Upload your story or post on Instagram and use #aïshazafirah or send a message via Instagram or Facebook and I’ll be in touch.
New moon blessings,