Sacred spring cleansing ritual image of a hare in the snow during Ostara.

Sacred Cleansing Ritual To Celebrate Ostara

Time for a sacred spring cleansing ritual! Ostara marks the vernal equinox, a time of balance, renewal, growth, and fertility.

This celebration marks the beginning of spring in the wheel of the year, where the day and night are equal in length, and the sun begins to warm the earth. Honour this season’s energies by letting go of the old, so you can make way for all the good things coming.

Lore of the Goddess Ēostre

Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess Ēostre, associated with dawn, spring, and fertility.

Image of the Goddess Ēostre by IrenHorrors holding a hare.
Ostara image drawn by IrenHorrors

She is seen as a compassionate and nurturing goddess symbolising new beginnings, growth, and rebirth. 

Ēostre is often depicted holding a hare or a rabbit. Her story tells of her being angry at a bird that would not mate. As punishment, she turned the bird into a hare that could still lay colourful eggs but only once a year on the spring equinox. So now you know where our egg painting comes from. These eggs were traditionally given as gifts and offerings in her honour, marking the beginning of the Ostara celebration.

Symbolism of Ostara

As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, we are called to awaken from our spiritual, mental and/or physical sleep. Ostara invites us to let go of the old, embrace the new, shed no longer serving layers, and step into our power. It reminds us that we are part of the earth’s cycles, never stagnant, continually growing and evolving.

The period around Ostara is powerful and transformative. When you create time to harness its energy, it brings about positive change and a flow that will assist you in manifesting your desires. Something we’ll tap into during our Beltane celebration (May 1st). Imagine your intentions as seeds you’d plant in your garden during early spring. But before you plant anything, let’s ensure the ground is fertile.

There are many ways to celebrate Ostara, such as painting eggs. A tradition we recognise from Easter. But I’m an absolute fan of throwing a sacred spring cleansing. Not that I like it, but I love the result, for it’s an excellent way to make sure that your intentions and efforts are fruitful. You’re symbolically making space for the new things you’re calling into being as you’re getting rid of any old frequency, clutter, etc.

An Ostara Spring Cleansing Ritual

Wrap up any extensive reorganising and cleaning first. Make dusting and mopping the last tasks on your list. These chores are the final steps of your sacred spring cleansing ritual.

Depending on your situation, this ritual might be easy and quick or demand more time investment. If it’s the latter, you might want to reconnect to your self-love practice by making tidying up part of your self-care ritual. Read tidying expert Marie Kondo’s article about self-care here or find out how to get your cleaning going by diving into her six rules of tidying up.

Start your sacred spring cleansing ritual at the highest point of your house. Make it as joyful as possible, play your favourite music or podcast, and maybe even burn some incense while at it.

Make your own zen mix by adding the following essential oils to your cleaning water:

Lavender: soothing and calming.
Eucalyptus: uplifting and cleansing.
Tea tree: purifying.

Place your hands over the water and visualise it purifying and energising your space. Say the following words, or write your own purification spell.

With sage so pure, water and sponge,

I cleanse and purify this grunge.

Tea-tree and lavender, let their scents blend,

Darkness and slumber, let them now end.

In each room, I essentially cast,

True potential to fully blast.

I banish what’s negative and let light amass,

Creating a pure and sacred space that will last.

You want to work your cleaning efforts as counterclockwise as possible towards the front door. The counterclockwise movement symbolises getting rid of anything that’s old. While doing this, simultaneously hold love and gratitude for everything you’re cleaning. If the weather allows it, open the windows as you go through each room.

Once you’re at the front door, open it and weave your hands through the sky as if moving energy out of your house. Clean the threshold and door frame counterclockwise, thus moving from the lowest point to the right, up and left and say the following words:

My intention is pure, my heart is strong,

This home is now clear and protected from what feels wrong. 

Final Thoughts To Complete Your Sacred Spring Cleansing

If, during your cleanse, you felt a specific space to be very dense in energy, you can uplift the energy in the room by placing a charged selenite on a designated spot. Cleanse the selenite with sage during the next new moon. How does the room now feel? Does it still need the selenite? Does it need something else? You can always recharge your selenite by placing it under the full moon. 

During the period between Ostara and Beltane, it’s a perfect time to analyse and journal your desires. Do this to prepare yourself for a manifestation ritual during Beltane.

Wishing you a blessed spring,


Recycle. Make recycling a loving task of gratitude to nature. Separating your waste allows more items and materials to be recycled, reducing environmental impact by decreasing landfill disposal. Donating books, clothing, etc., to a thrift shop or charity allows those items a second life while simultaneously making someone happy. 

Good to know: if you have pets, always research if certain oils are safe to use in your household. Some oils can be very toxic to animals, such as citrus oils. When diluted and of therapeutic grade, the oils mentioned above are safe to use. 

For the previous Wheel of the Year celebration, see Imbolc. You can read more about how to celebrate Imbolc here.

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