Hi There Gorgeous Being,
I’m Aïsha.
Crystal Priestess, Witch, Spiritual Alchemist.
A scholar in Religious Studies, Western Esotericism & Mysticism, certified crystal therapist, yoga teacher, mindfulness coach, shadow worker and High Priestess in Modern and Ceremonial Witchcraft.
Quite a mouthful, I know. But now that I’ve sketched some things and titles I’m identified with, let’s get this storytelling started.
Let me skip most of the hardships. I know this page should be about me, but that’s not why I do what I do. So I’ll share the most relevant, for I wouldn’t be the shadow worker I am if this turned out to be a sob story. Maybe someday, somewhere, I’ll share more about the package of dark cards I was dealt.
The most important thing to me is what I did with those dark cards.
A spiritual alchemist in heart and soul with unbreakable faith in the power of personal transformation and the Universal Laws – I am fully convinced my soul decided to deal with those cards this lifetime so it could grow and develop.
My early life experiences made me dive deep into spiritual techniques that helped me crack the codes to keep my frequency high, create an abundance mindset and successfully weave my magic to create a life that gives me JOY.

I started reading books and meditations and self-hypnosis when I was eight years old (believe me, I couldn’t understand half of the terms the authors were using, but intuitively I understood the practices), I created my own meditative routine when I was still in primary school.
My meditation, visualisation and grounding techniques solidified later in life, but I’m so grateful that my curious little Aïsha embarked on this path at such a young age. I didn’t have the words to explain why I did what I did. The only thing I knew was that it made me feel good, as it helped me tremendously in staying grounded and focused.

Feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and tension were a daily challenge. Besides the day-to-day bs that went down, my high sensitivity and developed sixth sense didn’t make it easier to handle, and there have been many times before my twenties that I felt like shutting down completely.
But thankfully, my fiery soul thought otherwise.
And fortunately, my parents, whom both had the craft running through their veins, allowed me to embark upon my own journey – one filled with magic. I only found out that they were pretty supportive when they started gifting me crystals, spiritual books and other woo-woo, for until then, I used to hide my magical kit out of plain sight.
My curious soul wanted to learn about all the things I felt I had forgotten about the magic I yielded in my previous lifetimes.
The numerous shelves in my house were covered with books on topics such as magic, creating your own reality, mastering the art of living, cracking your mindset, astral travel, embracing your shadow, scrying, awakening and training your third eye, spiritual alchemy and reeling in your heart’s desires.
But I wanted to learn more. Just as much about history, humanity and psychology as practical magic and ritual. So to no one’s surprise, I embarked upon my studies at the University of Amsterdam, academically specialising in Western Esotericism and Mysticism, whilst simultaneously training for High Priestess, Energetic Healer and spaceholder within settings such as Ceremonial Magic, Witchcraft, Paganism, Shamanism and Ayahuasca.
In my mid-twenties, I started to understand my role in this lifetime. I naturally was skilled in bridging the sacred and the mundane. How could I inspire people with everything I had learned (and continued to learn) to do the same, so they could live their own magical and joyful life? How could I make all the new-age and witchy stuff less fluffy but offer hands-on techniques that I had tested myself and were easy to apply?
Well, I really took my time figuring all of this out. Testing. Perfecting. Transforming. Perfecting … In search of the ultimate end result before I would share it with the world.
That’s when it hit me.
Perfection is one of the traps of my shadow, and I fell for it – again. How could I demand of myself to enlighten the world with a product that was perfect.
As I am ever growing, I can’t. Perfection is time-bound and just an opinion.

Therefore my view on perfection, within this setting, is that it holds no real value, but that it allows for a stagnant frequency to be chief. And as I am ever learning and transforming, I cannot allow this stagnancy to reign. I have accepted that my business is just as ever growing as I am.

Allowing the voice of shadow to be loud about perfection and whatnot would keep me from sharing my skills and knowledge with the world. It would keep me from manifesting the dream my eleven-year-old version of me had of creating ‘the school of magic’. I had realised that that would be a shame. I, the perfectionist, had to learn to move before I was ready, out of my comfort zone … because that’s where the magic happens!
And that is the true amazing irony of it all.
My business would exist without me, without the hours of diligent transmutation I have invested in becoming Aïsha Zafirah. But I probably wouldn’t be so unapologetically transforming without my love for my business, my clients, and the many future visions I have for The Academy that I’m building.
My childhood dream made me embrace that I will always be a student, as I am a teacher. This, to me, is part of my identity – a true power I deeply respect.
So here we are. I hope I may guide you on this beautiful, sacred journey – called life.
I cannot wait to meet you soon! Be it in the flesh or through the Wicked Wild Wireless…
May All Blessings Be,
Aïsha Zafirah
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