Ars Notoria Academia biedt een unieke reis van zelfontdekking, transformatie en spirituele ontwikkeling in de workshopserie “De Violette Vlam”. Ontdek hoe je kunt werken met de kracht van je Hogere Zelf als bron van wijsheid, transformatie, begeleiding, inspiratie en creativiteit. Laat je inspireren door contact te maken met je eigen goddelijke essentie!
Ben jij klaar voor 2025?
Voel jij de uitnodiging om dit jaar nóg dichter bij jezelf te mogen komen? Meer te leven vanuit je innerlijke essentie, je zielspad en je creatiekracht? Wil jij het leven leiden waarvan je hart sneller gaat kloppen en bemerk je het verlangen om je spiritueel te ontwikkelen en je potentieel te verwezenlijken?
Dan is De Violette Vlam voor jou!
Deze serie is opgebouwd uit drie ochtenden en thema’s, waarin je per thema een verdiepende stap maakt in je persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Naast het behandelen van theorie over zelftransformatie, je Hogere Zelf en het je verbinden met je creatiekracht worden er diverse technieken behandeld en beoefend. Samen wekken we de kracht van De Violette Vlam op en leer je rituelen die jou verder kunnen begeleiden in het ontwikkelen van helderheid, inspiratie en het nog meer mogen ontluiken van je innerlijke licht. Hierdoor kom je, vanuit een liefdevolle connectie met je hart, in een verreikende verbinding met het leven en jouw unieke zielspad.
De workshops vinden plaats op zaterdagochtend van 9:30u – 12:30u op 11, 25 januari en 8 februari.
De Violette Vlam helpt je in het vervullen van je levensdoelen. Gelijktijdig draag je daardoor bij aan het collectief. Wanneer je groeit, je unieke licht en liefde over de wereld laat stralen, draag je bij aan het groter geheel.
Deze workshop vraagt om toewijding. Je haalt er het beste uit wanneer je in de tussenliggende weken tijd maakt voor je proces, het je eigen maken van de technieken en de opdrachten in je werkboek.
Wanneer je je energieveld en bewustzijn vult met De Violette Vlam helpt deze frequentie je om obstakels te overbruggen. Zet in op de groei van jouw potentieel en breng meer vreugde, vrede en kracht in je leven!
Ars Notoria Academia biedt het volgende:
– Een 9 uur durende workshopserie verdeeld over drie ochtenden.
– Na aanmelding ontvang je een e-mail met vragen die je voor jezelf mag beantwoorden ter voorbereiding op dag 1.
– Je krijgt een begeleidend werkboek ter waarde van €34.95,- zodat je de behandelde theorie kunt nalezen incl. diverse oefeningen die je thuis kunt uitvoeren.
– Na elke workshop ontvang je opdrachten om je verder te ondersteunen op je reis en je voor te bereiden op de eerst volgende keer dat we samen komen.
– Tijdens de derde workshop maak je een 2025 Vision Board om mee naar huis te nemen.
– Tevens krijg je een signature crystal aura spray van Aïsha Zafirah ter waarde van €34.95,- speciaal gemaakt voor De Violette Vlam (niet te koop in de webshop).
💜 11 januari: Ontwaken Van De Violette Vlam – Terugkomen Bij Je Kern en Connectie Met Je Hogere Zelf
Wat is de Violette Vlam?
De Violette Vlam is een ritueel met een krachtige energie die negatieve patronen en invloeden helpt om te zetten in heling en positiviteit. In dit dagdeel zul je leren hoe je deze vlam kunt oproepen en laten werken als een transformerende kracht in je leven.
Diepgaande Transformatie
Ontdek hoe De Violette Vlam diep binnenin jou werkt en hoe het je helpt oude energieën en beperkingen los te laten, waardoor ruimte ontstaat voor persoonlijke groei.
Door je bewust te zijn van je schaduwstukken en obstakels, kun je gericht inzetten op die delen die je wilt helen en reinigen. Door deze stukken op een zachte manier energetisch op te ruimen maak je de weg vrij voor persoonlijke groei.
Contact met Je Hogere Zelf
Leer praktische technieken om contact te maken met je Hogere Zelf. Dit opent de poorten naar innerlijke wijsheid en leidt tot een meer vervullend leven.
🦋 25 januari: Gedaanteverwisseling en Vereeniging
Functionele Gedaanteverwisseling
Ontdek wat dit alchemistische proces is en hoe het je lichaam, ziel en geest ondersteunt. Leer hoe dit proces leidt tot persoonlijke groei en positieve veranderingen in diverse aspecten van je leven en wat het belang is van het werken met de kracht van de shapeshifter.
Praktische Tools voor Zelfontwikkeling
Ervaar hands-on tools die je kunt gebruiken voor dagelijkse zelfreflectie en groei, geïnspireerd door de transformatieve kracht van De Violette Vlam.
Persoonlijke Groei
Breng balans in de energieën die je ervaart vanuit lichaam, gevoel, geest en ziel en bereid je voor op meer eenheid met je Hogere Zelf. Vanuit hier kun je de kosmische begeleiding ontvangen die helderheid, focus en richting geeft, waardoor je zielspad zich steeds duidelijker kan presenteren.
❤️🔥 8 februari: Het Licht Van Je Essentie
Ontdek hoe de fases van transmutatie je helpen in het belichamen van je innerlijke licht. Leer hoe je voor je innerlijke vlam kunt zorgen, zodat jij je leven vanuit dit licht, spirituele inspiratie en ondersteuning kunt leven.
Universele Kracht
Hoe leef je met meer intuïtie en hoe hou je in drukke tijden verbinding met je goddelijke essentie? Leer de kracht van overgave en vertrouwen vanuit De Violette Vlam en ervaar hoe je meer vanuit je zijns-modus mag leven.
Jouw Unieke Essentie in de Wereld
Krijg inzichten en praktische tips om meer van jouw unieke essentie te laten schitteren in je dagelijks leven. Ontdek hoe dit je helpt een gelukkiger leven te leiden en je zielsmissie te vervullen. Door onszelf beetje bij beetje te genezen, genezen we beetje bij beetje de wereld om ons heen.
Je 2025 Vision Board Maken
In de voorgaande sessies en weken ben je aan de slag gegaan met zelftransformatie en heb je voorbereidend werk gedaan om in te voelen waar 2025 over mag gaan. Die kennis komt nu samen in jouw unieke vision board, die we ceremonieel nog bekrachtigen binnen de cirkel van de Violette Vlam. Klik hier als je meer wilt lezen over wat het maken van een vision board inhoudt.
Deze workshopserie is een investering in je eigen groei, spirituele ontwikkeling en welzijn. Ars Notoria Academia neemt je mee op een reis van innerlijke transformatie, spirituele alchemie en magie. Ontvang diepgaande kennis over de Violette Vlam, de mystiek van alchemie, maar ook praktische tools die je levenslang kunt gebruiken. Je ontvangt:
– Een negen uur durende workshop, waarbij je alle gelegenheid krijgt om te delen en vragen te stellen.
– Werkboek t.w.v. €34,95.
– Materiaal voor het maken van een inspirerend vision board.
– Unieke Crystal Aura Spray t.w.v. €34,95.
Voor verdere vragen of aanvullende informatie kun je contact opnemen via:
Ars Notoria Academia begeleidt je met liefde en toewijding op je reis naar zelfontdekking, transformatie en magie. Become the magic you are longing for – tend to your divine flame! ✨
Carpe Omnia,
Ars Notoria Academia biedt een unieke reis van zelfontdekking, transformatie en spirituele ontwikkeling in de workshopserie “De Violette Vlam”. Ontdek hoe je kunt werken met de kracht van je Hogere Zelf als bron van wijsheid, transformatie, begeleiding, inspiratie en creativiteit. Laat je inspireren door contact te maken met je eigen goddelijke essentie!
Voel jij de uitnodiging om nóg dichter bij jezelf te mogen komen? Meer te leven vanuit je innerlijke essentie, je zielspad en je creatiekracht? Wil jij het leven leiden waarvan je hart sneller gaat kloppen en bemerk je het verlangen om je spiritueel te ontwikkelen en je potentieel te verwezenlijken?
Dan is De Violette Vlam voor jou!
Deze serie is opgebouwd uit drie ochtenden en thema’s, waarin je per thema een verdiepende stap maakt in je persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Naast het behandelen van theorie over zelftransformatie, je Hogere Zelf en het je verbinden met je creatiekracht worden er diverse technieken behandeld en beoefend. Tevens wekken we samen de kracht van De Violette Vlam op en leer je rituelen die jou verder kunnen begeleiden in het ontwikkelen van helderheid, inspiratie en het nog meer mogen ontluiken van je innerlijke licht. Hierdoor kom je, vanuit een liefdevolle connectie met je hart, in een verreikende verbinding met het leven en jouw unieke zielspad.
De workshops vinden plaats op zaterdagochtend van 9:30u – 12:30u op 13, 27 september en 11 oktober.
De Violette Vlam helpt je in het vervullen van je levensdoelen. Gelijktijdig draag je daardoor bij aan het collectief. Wanneer je groeit, je unieke licht en liefde over de wereld laat stralen, draag je bij aan het groter geheel.
Deze workshop vraagt om toewijding. Je haalt er het beste uit wanneer je in de tussenliggende weken tijd maakt voor je proces, het je eigen maken van de technieken en de opdrachten in je werkboek.
Wanneer je je energieveld en bewustzijn vult met De Violette Vlam helpt deze frequentie je om obstakels te overbruggen. Zet in op de groei van jouw potentieel en breng meer vreugde, vrede en kracht in je leven!
Ars Notoria Academia biedt het volgende:
– Een 9 uur durende workshopserie verdeeld over drie ochtenden.
– Na aanmelding ontvang je een e-mail met vragen die je voor jezelf mag beantwoorden ter voorbereiding op dag 1.
– Je krijgt een begeleidend werkboek ter waarde van €34.95,- zodat je de behandelde theorie kunt nalezen incl. diverse oefeningen die je thuis kunt uitvoeren.
– Na elke workshop ontvang je opdrachten om je verder te ondersteunen op je reis en je voor te bereiden op de eerst volgende keer dat we samen komen.
– Je leert werken met kristal energie en krijgt een zeldzaam kristal ter waarde van €38.95,- waarmee je de kracht van De Violette Vlam verder kunt cultiveren.
– Tevens krijg je een signature crystal aura spray van Aïsha Zafirah ter waarde van €34.95,- speciaal gemaakt voor De Violette Vlam (niet te koop in de webshop).
💜 13 september: Ontwaken Van De Violette Vlam – Terugkomen Bij Je Kern en Connectie Met Je Hogere Zelf
Wat is de Violette Vlam?
De Violette Vlam is een ritueel met een krachtige energie die negatieve patronen en invloeden helpt om te zetten in heling en positiviteit. In dit dagdeel zul je leren hoe je deze vlam kunt oproepen en laten werken als een transformerende kracht in je leven.
Diepgaande Transformatie
Ontdek hoe De Violette Vlam diep binnenin jou werkt en hoe het je helpt oude energieën en beperkingen los te laten, waardoor ruimte ontstaat voor persoonlijke groei.
Door je bewust te zijn van je schaduwstukken en obstakels, kun je gericht inzetten op die delen die je wilt helen en reinigen. Door deze stukken op een zachte manier energetisch op te ruimen maak je de weg vrij voor persoonlijke groei.
Contact met Je Hogere Zelf
Leer praktische technieken om contact te maken met je Hogere Zelf. Dit opent de poorten naar innerlijke wijsheid en leidt tot een meer vervullend leven.
🦋 27 september: Gedaanteverwisseling en Vereeniging
Functionele Gedaanteverwisseling
Ontdek wat dit alchemistische proces is en hoe het je lichaam, ziel en geest ondersteunt. Leer hoe dit proces leidt tot persoonlijke groei en positieve veranderingen in diverse aspecten van je leven en wat het belang is van het werken met de kracht van de shapeshifter.
Praktische Tools voor Zelfontwikkeling
Ervaar hands-on tools die je kunt gebruiken voor dagelijkse zelfreflectie en groei, geïnspireerd door de transformatieve kracht van De Violette Vlam.
Persoonlijke Groei
Breng balans in de energieën die je ervaart vanuit lichaam, gevoel, geest en ziel en bereid je voor op meer eenheid met je Hogere Zelf. Vanuit hier kun je de kosmische begeleiding ontvangen die helderheid, focus en richting geeft, waardoor je zielspad zich steeds duidelijker kan presenteren.
❤️🔥 11 oktober: Het Licht Van Je Essentie
Ontdek hoe de fases van transmutatie je helpen in het belichamen van je innerlijke licht. Leer hoe je voor je innerlijke vlam kunt zorgen, zodat jij je leven vanuit dit licht, spirituele inspiratie en ondersteuning kunt leven.
Universele Kracht
Hoe leef je met meer intuïtie en hoe hou je in drukke tijden verbinding met je goddelijke essentie? Leer de kracht van overgave en vertrouwen vanuit De Violette Vlam en ervaar hoe je meer vanuit je zijns-modus mag leven.
Jouw Unieke Essentie in de Wereld
Krijg inzichten en praktische tips om meer van jouw unieke essentie te laten schitteren in je dagelijks leven. Ontdek hoe dit je helpt een gelukkiger leven te leiden en je zielsmissie te vervullen. Door onszelf beetje bij beetje te genezen, genezen we beetje bij beetje de wereld.
Deze workshopserie is een investering in je eigen groei, spirituele ontwikkeling en welzijn. Ars Notoria Academia neemt je mee op een reis van innerlijke transformatie, spirituele alchemie en magie. Ontvang diepgaande kennis over de Violette Vlam, de mystiek van alchemie, maar ook praktische tools die je levenslang kunt gebruiken. Je ontvangt:
– Een negen uur durende workshop, waarbij je alle gelegenheid krijgt om te delen en vragen te stellen.
– Werkboek t.w.v. €34,95.
– Zeldzaam kristal t.w.v. €38,95.
– Unieke Crystal Aura Spray t.w.v. €34,95.
Voor verdere vragen of aanvullende informatie kun je contact opnemen via:
Ars Notoria Academia begeleidt je met liefde en toewijding op je reis naar zelfontdekking, transformatie en magie. Become the magic you are longing for – tend to your divine flame! ✨
Carpe Omnia,
Begin het nieuwe jaar met hernieuwde energie, helderheid en vol zelfliefde!
“Magie” is een dag waarin je de ruimte krijgt om je intuïtie te verkennen, je innerlijke kracht te versterken en je te verbinden met het onmetelijke potentieel van zelfheling door te werken met je voorouderlijke lijnen.
Tijdens dit dagretreat dompel je je onder in ceremoniële rituelen en leer je je intuïtie verder ontwikkelen. Aan het einde van deze dag voel je je geaard en opgeladen, vervuld van nieuwe inzichten en verbonden met je innerlijke kracht. Zo kun je met een open hart en bevrijd van obstakels 2026 in gaan, voorzien van tools die je intuïtieve pad verder verrijken.
Wil jij een diepere laag van je intuïtieve vermogen ontwikkelen en je persoonlijke kracht meer naar het licht brengt? Voel jij je verbonden met je voorouders of wil je de verbinding versterken? “Magie” is een dagretreat vol zelfontdekking, spiritualiteit, ceremonie en heling.
Tijdens deze dag leidt het pad van magie je door drie fases van magisch werk.
Via eeuwenoude rituelen die helpen de verbinding met jezelf, je intuïtie en de kracht van (zelf)liefde te versterken, leer je hoe je die kracht vervolgens kan inzetten om heling, liefde en dankbaarheid te sturen tot diep in je voorouderlijke bloedlijnen, zodat deze heling kan doorstromen naar verleden, heden en toekomst.
Dankbaarheid, Divinatie en Temple Craft
We starten de dag met het creëren van een ceremoniële cirkel die dient als onze tempel voor divinatie, dankbaarheid, liefde en heling. Het is de plek waar dimensies van heden, verleden en toekomst elkaar ontmoeten.
Onder begeleiding van de godin Hekate, zij die op de dag voor Allerzielen met ons meewandelt en het licht van haar fakkels laat schijnen voor begeleiding, inzicht en wijsheid, stemmen we ons allereerst af op vruchtbaarheid: op de mooie ervaringen die je hebt mogen meemaken en lessen die je hebt mogen leren.
Aan het einde van deze maand valt tevens de feestdag van Hekate. In het oude Griekenland, waar deze godin van vruchtbaarheid, leven en dood werd vereerd, was 30 november haar feestdag. Natuurlijk ga ik je deze ochtend alles vertellen over Hekate en de relatie die ik met haar sinds mijn 13de heb mogen bouwen. Wil je alvast meer over haar lezen? Klik hier.
De herfst is een periode van oogsten. Het is verbonden aan het element water wat de golven van emoties, heling en intuïtie stimuleert. Dit seizoen, waarin de laatste oogstfeesten van het jaar plaatsvinden, staat bekend als de perfecte periode om ruimte te maken voor dankbaarheid. Tevens is het een geschikt moment om stil te staan bij de wijsheden en vaardigheden die door je familielijn stromen en in jou tot uiting komen. Wat onze voorouders meegemaakt hebben heeft effect op de energie die er door onze bloedlijn heen stroomt. Dit alles heeft invloed op onze persoonlijke kracht, wat mag je op dit moment oogsten en waar ervaar je in je leven dat energie met gemak doorstroomt?
Om je persoonlijke kracht te verrijken verdiepen we ons in de kunst van divinatie, het “zien” of voelen van wijsheid door middel van je intuïtie en het gebruik van je “derde oog” (zie fase twee). Je intuïtie is een nuttig instrument dat je ondersteund in het creëren van flow in je leven. Door dit te ontwikkelen kun je het inzetten om je leven duidelijk richting te geven en vanuit inspiratie, creativiteit en creatiekracht een route voor het nieuwe jaar uit te stippelen.
Met behulp van een unieke legpatroon dat speciaal voor deze dag is ontworpen, ontdek je hoe de kracht van orakelkaarten kan werken als spiegel van je intuïtie en innerlijke wijsheid. Of je nu een beginner bent of al ervaring hebt, deze oefening helpt je om op een dieper niveau naar binnen te kijken, begeleiding, inzicht en kracht te vinden.
Ceremoniële, vegetarische lunch
Deze vegetarische maaltijd is zorgvuldig samengesteld om zowel lichaam als geest te voorzien van levenskracht en je energiebalans te optimaliseren. De kleuren van de lunch zijn overwegend paars en vanuit volledig natuurlijke bron. Paars wordt geassocieerd met mystiek, magie, intuïtie, wijsheid en transformatie. Al het eten en drinken op deze dag is homemade by Rosalie.
Vereniging Met Je Innerlijke Kracht
Na de lunch vervolgen we onze reis en beginnen we aan fase twee. We duiken dieper in technieken die helpen met het verder ontwikkelen van Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). ESP staat voor buitenzintuiglijke waarneming en vertegenwoordigt het werken met je derde oog – het centrum van intuïtie en innerlijke visie. Je leert hoe je deze gave kunt aanscherpen, zelfs als dit voor jou nog volledig nieuw terrein is.
Om je intuïtie verder te ontwikkelen leer je hoe je het unieke Ars Notoria Academia kaartendeck ”Propheta” gebruikt. Dit krachtig hulpmiddel krijg je cadeau, zodat je thuis kunt blijven oefenen en je ESP gaven verder kunt ontplooien.
Tijdens dit onderdeel van het dagretreat verken je de kracht van je intuïtieve potentieel en leer je hoe je deze verder kunt ontwikkelen en onderhouden.
Heling En Het Licht Van De Godin Hekate
Na een korte pauze met gepaste versnaperingen, beginnen we aan de laatste fase van het dagretreat – een krachtig helingsritueel voor zelf en de voorouderlijke lijnen. De periode van de herfst staat namelijk ook bekend voor het mogen loslaten.
We erven naast de mooie dingen uit onze bloedlijn ook obstakels. Dit noemen we intergenerationeel trauma. Dit trauma, wat zich op diverse manieren van generatie op generatie herhaalt, kan op verschillende gebieden van je leven tot uiting komen. Het gevolg hiervan kan zijn dat je het gevoel hebt niet volledig bij je innerlijke kracht kunt komen, flow kunt vinden, of dat schaduw gedachtes of gebeurtenissen (mentaal of fysiek) zich steeds herhalen op het moment dat je juist de inspiratie voelt om jezelf te ontwikkelen, etc.
Om je manifestatiekracht te versterken schenken we in dit laatste onderdeel van de dag bewust aandacht aan het helen van ballast die voortkomt uit je bloedlijn. Onder begeleiding van het licht van de fakkels van Hekate, betreden we ons ceremoniële werk met eerbied en zachtheid. We weven de magie van licht, dankbaarheid en liefde door de dimensies van heden naar verleden, zodat we daar in de toekomst weer de vruchten van mogen plukken.
Je wordt hierin volledig ondersteund en werkt hier gedurende dag langzaam naartoe. Je hoeft hiervoor niet te weten wat je voorouders hebben meegemaakt noch hoef je te weten wie zij zijn. Ook is het geen duister werk om te doen. Ik zet dit er expliciet bij, omdat woorden als magie, schaduw, voorouders ergens wellicht toch nog een negatieve connotatie hebben. We benaderen deze heling vanuit alle kennis die je hebt over jezelf en je eigen processen en maken gebruik van pathworking.
Door heling terug in onze bloedlijn te sturen, geven we onszelf en onze voorouders toestemming om oude pijn los te laten. Dit ritueel resoneert niet alleen met hen die voor ons kwamen, maar ook met onszelf en de generaties na ons. Het werkt als een krachtig helend licht dat het verleden heelt, het heden vrijmaakt en de toekomst lichter maakt.
Het effect van dit werk is merkbaar door een algeheel gevoel van bevrijding en sereniteit. Tevens kun je ervaren dat je meer ondersteuning ontvangt in het uitvoeren van je zielsmissie.
Praktische Informatie
“Magie” vindt plaats in Schoorl op 1 november van 09:30 – 17:30
🪄 Een eigen Ars Notoria Academia kaartendeck om thuis je intuïtie verder te trainen twv €59,95
🪄 Een voedzame, ceremoniële lunch, met liefde en zorg bereid.
Je kunt in het menu kiezen voor een volledige betaling €222,- of selecteer betalen in 2-delen €116.55,-. Kies je voor de laatste variant dan dient het volledige bedrag voor 1 december 2025 voldaan te zijn.
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I believe that healing and transformation are an ongoing process. Sometimes coming quickly, fierce and empowering, at other times gentler and nursing. Always flowing in its own divine timing from a deep connection with Soul. That's why I've designed SOULDATES, for a one-time session, package or a selection of different souldates. Using your input and wishes to create a tailored souldate program so you can find and experience the support you need.
Life is adventurous. Full of impulses and experiences. And with our ever-growing connectivity to the collective, our roles keep expanding. Being in an energetically clean space will help you to stay balanced and at ease. Even when life gets throws unexpected experiences your way. Sacred Space Creation offers the outcome.
Make sure that the places where you spend your precious time are places of zen!
Where ever you go, whoever you need to be – executive, business(wo)man, father, mother, wedding planner, teacher, etc. – make sure that your home or office is a space where you can totally be who you need to be from a place of zen. While being recharged and uplifted by your environment.
Buildings hold history, places store energy and even deep down in the earth water wells or currents flow. These movements and energies can distort the overall sense of well-being. Causing energy depletion, fatigue, loss of concentration, illness and feelings of unease and sometimes even unsafety. Through our broad set of skills, we rebalance your space, elevating the overall energy to a sacred space, where the body and mind can come home to.
You are constantly connected and influenced by your environment. Be it your home, workplace, garden, or maybe a project, they all affect the overall sense of well-being, health and atmosphere. Whatever area, support yourself and your energy system by spending your precious time in uplifting and benign energy. So you can focus on what is really important!
For more information and scheduling your Sacred Space Creation, please use the contact form below. Allow us between 24 to 48 hours to reply, so we can schedule a timeslot for a free call. This call is to make sure that we can answer all your questions, and you can tell us how we can support you best. If you haven’t received an email in a day or two, please make sure to check your spam.
Is life always getting in the way of your dreams? Do you feel stuck while you are longing for progress? Don’t waste your time any longer and hop on board with Manifestation Magic. A unique, authentic and soulful process of designing your life and attracting, creating and receiving what it is that you desire.
Become the master of your life!
Life is a form of art. Something they don’t teach us at school. And most of the time, parents are still figuring this out themselves. You can now learn the science behind happiness through easy to apply techniques by releasing unwanted fears, emotions, and patterns.
Either dive in deep with one-on-one sessions or a tailored group training for you and your friends or team.
The journey of Manifestation Magic is not for the faint of heart nor for the non-magical thinkers. It’s highly creative, and it asks you to show up for yourself. If you feel ready to cut the crap and get to work, then this is for you! Get right on track with easy to apply techniques that will change your world.
Sessions are 60min for €125,- and 90min for €175,- (Dutch or English).
Package deals or a combination of Soul Sessions are possible. Contact us via the contact form below.
We use Calendly to make finding a time to meet easier. Just click on the link. If you are looking for a tailored group training or if you are interested in a package deal make sure to email us and we can schedule a call.
Book your souldate hereScroll down for English.
Ontdek de helende eigenschappen van kristallen en edelstenen in een Crystal Healing Session. Tijdens deze sessie ervaar je de kracht van de aarde, die op natuurlijke wijze je energiebalans herstelt en helpt je fysieke, mentale en emotionele gezondheid te optimaliseren.
Gun jezelf een moment van totale rust en zelf-liefde.
Deze Soul Session is een all-in-one ervaring. Door bewust tijd voor jezelf te maken, kun je genieten van een ontspannende behandeling die, naast het reinigen van je aura en het verhogen van je energieniveau, ook je zenuwstelsel kalmeert.
En er is meer!
Crystal Healing beidt ondersteuning bij:
– chakra reiniging en balancering
– slaap en ontspanning
– spirituele groei en ontwikkeling
– het opwekken van Kundalini energie
– vergroten van zelf-liefde
– het optimaliseren van emotionele, psychologische of fysieke genezing
– mentale helderheid
– het verbreken van banden (met een situatie of een persoon)
– het loslaten van negatieve energie en blokkades
– het waarmaken van je verlangens
– en nog veel meer …
Maar welke Crystal Session en thematiek past nu het beste bij je? Om je alvast op weg te helpen hebben we de volgende thema’s voor jou geselecteerd, die je vervolgens bij het maken van je afspraak aan kunt vinken. Staat jouw thema er niet bij? Geen probleem! We creëren samen iets wat jouw behoeften volledig ondersteunt.
Je kunt kiezen uit de volgende thema’s:
– Boost Intuition & Self Confidence
– Amplify Self Love & Abundance
– Create Clarity & Zen Flow
– Open 3rd Eye & Spiritual Awareness
Sessies duren 60min voor €125,- of 90min voor €175,- (Dutch or English), en worden gehouden in de praktijkruimte te Schoorl (NH).
Ben je geïnteresseerd in een persoonlijk traject of een combinatie van Soul Sessions. Stuur dan een bericht via het onderstaande contactformulier. Je vindt deze onderaan de pagina.
Ontvang nu 24% korting en maak van 2024 jouw jaar! Boek nu je sessie van 60min voor €95 (ipv. €125) of een 90min sessie voor €133 (ipv. €175). Deze actie geldt van 15 november t/m 31 december op één of meerdere Crystal Healing Sessies. Je kunt je afspraak inplannen in de tijdsperiode november 2023 t/m februari 2024. Klik op de onderstaande link voor de agenda en het maken van een afspraak.
Dit aanbod is niet geldig op andere persoonlijke trajecten of een combinatie van Soul Sessions.
📅 Afspraak Maken
Klik op onderstaande link “klik hier voor het maken van een afspraak” om direct één of meerdere Crystal Healing Sessions in te plannen. Via de link word je naar de boekingspagina van Calendly gestuurd. Hier kun je zelf de gewenste tijd inplannen en de thematiek van je afspraak selecteren. Weet je nog niet precies wat het beste voor jou zou zijn op dit moment? Geen probleem! Ook dit kun je via Calendly aangeven, samen maken wij vervolgens de juiste sessie op maat.
Discover the healing properties of crystals and gems with Crystal Healing! Experience the power that naturally restores your energy balance and optimises your physical, mental and emotional health.
Time to enjoy a treatment that makes you spark with joy!
This Soul Session is about making time for yourself and enjoying a relaxing treatment that calms the nervous system, alongside cleansing your aura and boosting your energy levels.
This treatment is an all-in-one experience. Whatever it is that you need, we’ve got the crystals and the knowledge to help you along your sacred journey. Together we create a tailor-made treatment plan, you can book single or multiple sessions.
Crystal Healing can help you with:
– aura cleansing
– breaking ties (to a situation or a person)
– chakra balancing
– kundalini rising
– mental clarity
– manifesting your dreams
– releasing negative energy and blocks
– optimising emotional, psychological or physical healing
– practising self-love
– sleep and relaxation
– spiritual growth and development
– and much more …
When in doubt? Turn to crystals, because their energies have got your back!
Sessions are 60min for €125,- and 90min for €175,- (Dutch or English).
Package deals or a combination of Soul Sessions are possible. Contact us via the contact form below.
We use Calendly to make finding a time to meet easier. Just click on the link. If you are looking for a tailored group training or if you are interested in a package deal make sure to email us and we can schedule a call.
Book your 90 min session hereThe first of May welcomes you to the enchanting ambience of Beltane. Traditionally seen as a time of joy, abundance, growth, and the first manifestations of new beginnings. So it’s […]
The first of May welcomes you to the enchanting ambience of Beltane. Traditionally seen as a time of joy, abundance, growth, and the first manifestations of new beginnings. So it’s a perfect time to hone in on your dreams and desires.
Jump into this Beltane fire magic ritual to help manifest your dreams with more ease!
In the Wheel of the Year, Beltane falls halfway between Ostara on the spring equinox and Litha, the summer solstice. It’s an ancient pagan festival that has been celebrated for centuries, finding its origins in the Celtic lands of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
The word Beltane comes from “the fires of Bel,” referring to the Celtic healing god, Belenos (who also, by Roman interpretation, might be identified as a sun god because of his connection with Apollo).
This festivity falls at the height of spring when the flowers are fully in bloom. By ancient Celtic tradition, bonfires would be lit to cleanse, bless themselves, and increase fertility. They would pass their cattle between the fires for the purpose of purification, and they believed it would ensure their fertility too.
This celebration is famously tied to fertility, love, sensuality and sexuality. Therefore, Beltane was a great time for lovers to jump over a ceremonial fire while holding hands – petitioning for blessings for the coming year.
Beltane and fire magic rituals go hand-in-hand.
Amp your manifestation magic during Beltane by connecting with the earth, the elements, and the spirits of nature.
One of the key elements of Beltane is fire. Fire symbolises transformation and represents the inspiration that ignites your desires and the fuel that drives your manifestation. So it’s a powerful tool for manifestation magic.
Let’s work with your desires and bring dreams to reality. Get ready for some fire magic!
To work your manifestation magic, you’ll need the following materials:
🕯️ A candle in the colour that represents your desire. For an easy checklist and a little on candle magic, read this accessible article.
🏮 A lantern to place your candle in.
🔥 A cauldron or firepit.
✒️ Pen and paper.
🌿 Your favourite incense.
🔮 Other items that might amplify your focus, visualisation or relaxation techniques, such as a crystal, music or instruments, etc.
Obviously, this ritual will lead you into nature, so pack your belongings and head out to your favourite Zen spot. Connecting with nature when you’re outside is by far easier when you get your feet in on actual grass. If this, for whatever reason, isn’t possible, feel free to perform your Beltane ritual in the comfort of your home. Allow there to be a link to nature, for example, by decorating your altar with your favoured flowers.
Find a quiet place in nature where you feel comfortable, safe and welcomed. It could be anywhere. In your own yard, a park, a forest, or a beach.
Create a moment to ground yourself and connect with the earth. Take a few deep breaths, and when you feel connected, set up a sacred space by placing your candle, lantern, and other accessories and burn your incense as an offering (take care of Mother Nature and burn incense safely, make sure it’s fully extinguished before you leave).
Think about what you want to manifest within about half a year. Make sure that this desire is realistic and achievable and that it’s also doable for you to create tangible steps towards it.
Light your candle once you are positive about what you want to call into being.
If you brought any music or instruments, go ahead. Either play yourself into a deep meditation, listen to the deeply relaxing tunes you’ve brought, or let the natural sounds of the environment take you there…
Feel your body and mind fully relax, then envision yourself living your desire. What does it feel like when manifested? Allow yourself to immerse in this feeling sensation for about 10 minutes. Close your meditation by receiving a positive affirmation that is connected to you, as if you’re already living the desired outcome.
Journal about your meditation; write down what you saw, how you felt, what you will do to make it happen in the coming weeks, and any other essential details. End your writing with your positive affirmation.
Create a small fire in a cauldron or light the firepit. As you light the fire, take a few moments to watch the flames and imagine your desire coming into reality – quickening.
When the fire burns brightly, read what you wrote aloud and throw your folded paper into the flames.
Finally, sit with it and watch the flames. See if any colours or visions come.
When you’re ready, extinguish the fire and thank the spirits of nature for their support.
You can use your positive affirmation daily for as long as feels good.
Blessed weaving, Blessed Beltane,
The previous Wheel of The Year celebration, Ostara, prepared you for all the good things flowing into your life through a sacred spring cleansing ritual. It’s never too late to clear the way for your desires that are about to manifest. Check out that ritual here, and feel free to combine the two if your situation asks for it.
Never want to miss a single ritual, witchtip, blogpost or video ever again? Sign-up for the Wicked Wild Wisdom Newsletter For The Authentic Wild Ones.
Time for a sacred spring cleansing ritual! Ostara marks the vernal equinox, a time of balance, renewal, growth, and fertility. This celebration marks the beginning of spring in the wheel […]
Time for a sacred spring cleansing ritual! Ostara marks the vernal equinox, a time of balance, renewal, growth, and fertility.
This celebration marks the beginning of spring in the wheel of the year, where the day and night are equal in length, and the sun begins to warm the earth. Honour this season’s energies by letting go of the old, so you can make way for all the good things coming.
Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess Ēostre, associated with dawn, spring, and fertility.
She is seen as a compassionate and nurturing goddess symbolising new beginnings, growth, and rebirth.
Ēostre is often depicted holding a hare or a rabbit. Her story tells of her being angry at a bird that would not mate. As punishment, she turned the bird into a hare that could still lay colourful eggs but only once a year on the spring equinox. So now you know where our egg painting comes from. These eggs were traditionally given as gifts and offerings in her honour, marking the beginning of the Ostara celebration.
As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, we are called to awaken from our spiritual, mental and/or physical sleep. Ostara invites us to let go of the old, embrace the new, shed no longer serving layers, and step into our power. It reminds us that we are part of the earth’s cycles, never stagnant, continually growing and evolving.
The period around Ostara is powerful and transformative. When you create time to harness its energy, it brings about positive change and a flow that will assist you in manifesting your desires. Something we’ll tap into during our Beltane celebration (May 1st). Imagine your intentions as seeds you’d plant in your garden during early spring. But before you plant anything, let’s ensure the ground is fertile.
There are many ways to celebrate Ostara, such as painting eggs. A tradition we recognise from Easter. But I’m an absolute fan of throwing a sacred spring cleansing. Not that I like it, but I love the result, for it’s an excellent way to make sure that your intentions and efforts are fruitful. You’re symbolically making space for the new things you’re calling into being as you’re getting rid of any old frequency, clutter, etc.
Wrap up any extensive reorganising and cleaning first. Make dusting and mopping the last tasks on your list. These chores are the final steps of your sacred spring cleansing ritual.
Depending on your situation, this ritual might be easy and quick or demand more time investment. If it’s the latter, you might want to reconnect to your self-love practice by making tidying up part of your self-care ritual. Read tidying expert Marie Kondo’s article about self-care here or find out how to get your cleaning going by diving into her six rules of tidying up.
Start your sacred spring cleansing ritual at the highest point of your house. Make it as joyful as possible, play your favourite music or podcast, and maybe even burn some incense while at it.
Make your own zen mix by adding the following essential oils to your cleaning water:
Lavender: soothing and calming.
Eucalyptus: uplifting and cleansing.
Tea tree: purifying.
Place your hands over the water and visualise it purifying and energising your space. Say the following words, or write your own purification spell.
With sage so pure, water and sponge,
I cleanse and purify this grunge.
Tea-tree and lavender, let their scents blend,
Darkness and slumber, let them now end.
In each room, I essentially cast,
True potential to fully blast.
I banish what’s negative and let light amass,
Creating a pure and sacred space that will last.
You want to work your cleaning efforts as counterclockwise as possible towards the front door. The counterclockwise movement symbolises getting rid of anything that’s old. While doing this, simultaneously hold love and gratitude for everything you’re cleaning. If the weather allows it, open the windows as you go through each room.
Once you’re at the front door, open it and weave your hands through the sky as if moving energy out of your house. Clean the threshold and door frame counterclockwise, thus moving from the lowest point to the right, up and left and say the following words:
My intention is pure, my heart is strong,
This home is now clear and protected from what feels wrong.
If, during your cleanse, you felt a specific space to be very dense in energy, you can uplift the energy in the room by placing a charged selenite on a designated spot. Cleanse the selenite with sage during the next new moon. How does the room now feel? Does it still need the selenite? Does it need something else? You can always recharge your selenite by placing it under the full moon.
During the period between Ostara and Beltane, it’s a perfect time to analyse and journal your desires. Do this to prepare yourself for a manifestation ritual during Beltane.
Wishing you a blessed spring,
Recycle. Make recycling a loving task of gratitude to nature. Separating your waste allows more items and materials to be recycled, reducing environmental impact by decreasing landfill disposal. Donating books, clothing, etc., to a thrift shop or charity allows those items a second life while simultaneously making someone happy.
Good to know: if you have pets, always research if certain oils are safe to use in your household. Some oils can be very toxic to animals, such as citrus oils. When diluted and of therapeutic grade, the oils mentioned above are safe to use.
For the previous Wheel of the Year celebration, see Imbolc. You can read more about how to celebrate Imbolc here.
Never want to miss a single ritual, witchtip, blogpost or video ever again? Sign-up for the Wicked Wild Wisdom Newsletter For The Authentic Wild Ones.
Get your cauldron out, my witch. It’s time for a self-love Imbolc ritual. Though the promise of light returning has been freshly made by our annual passing of the shortest […]
Get your cauldron out, my witch. It’s time for a self-love Imbolc ritual.
Though the promise of light returning has been freshly made by our annual passing of the shortest day during December’s winter solstice, we are still left with the feeling of winter in our bones.
For many people, January and February are the dreary, dark and cold months of the year. Light-sensitive folk might even be prone to winter blues.
But don’t let these winter vibes get the best of you love! This sweet yet simple self-love ritual during Imbolc will uplift you, so you can get back on your broom in no time : )
What you’ll need is the following:
The Celtic festival of Imbolc is celebrated halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Starting on Feb. 1st and lasting through sundown Febr. 2nd, invoking a moment of purification of home and hearth, the coming of light and the increasing fertility found in nature.
Why rosemary?
Rosemary has a long history of being a multifaceted healing herb (read more about that here). For this ritual you’re tapping into its brain stimulating properties improving memory, its assistance in psychic protection and boosting qualities stimulating your intuition. Besides that, it inspires the love of self and others, strengthening your heart and nervous system.
This Imbolc ritual will bring you home to your heart, helping you realign your visions for the year ahead.
Carve out some sacred self-love time in your agenda, during which you’ll be undisturbed. Ask yourself: What am I longing for?
Meditate with the rosemary whilst focusing on your heart’s desire.
Magic means nothing without focused desire, so it’s essential to get clarity of mind before you sit with your herb. I always like to start with a grounding meditation before I move on to the ritualistic parts, and when I need some extra support, I love to use the Crystal Clarity Aura Spray.
Once you have your mind and desire clear, put cold water in the pan and let it slowly boil. In the meantime, journal on your desire and what it feels like to have that desire as if it were fulfilled in the present time.
When the water is boiling, add your rosemary whilst chanting:
Quickening light and winter breeze
Let my desire be fulfilled with ease.
Like the light just let it flow
As first spring flowers, let it grow.
My mind clear, gaze upon goal
Let its potential flow through, whole.
As I stir my potion, sweet
I know I’m in for quite the treat.
Let your brew steep for 10 minutes, then pour your rosemary tea into your favourite cup.
Accompanied by your brew and treats, envision yourself living your desire. Look around. What do you see and feel? Who is there with you? Where are you?
Take a few minutes to write down as many details that come to you, and from this inspiring vision, ask yourself the following:
‘What spiritually inspired actions can I take in the following six weeks to ignite this momentum?’
Write about five to eight actions down. Let them come from your vision and feeling within that vision instead of your calculating, anticipating, gorgeous brain. Then make a plan for when to execute what – remember, it’s still wintertime. Small yet consistent steps take you a very long way!
Blessed weaving!
Can you sense our human desire for warmth, light, companionship and safety when the days get darker? It’s a very natural thing to experience. During the winter days, we flock […]
Can you sense our human desire for warmth, light, companionship and safety when the days get darker? It’s a very natural thing to experience. During the winter days, we flock together, celebrate, eat, drink, reminisce and chant. Our joy brings light to these dark annual moments.
Then again, we’re often tempted to fill our days with too many social obligations.
You could’ve started your December month freshly rolling out of Thanksgiving. Here in The Netherlands, we start the last month of the year with Sinterklaas. This festivity is similar to Santa climbing through the chimney and surprising all the “good children” with presents. After which, we quickly move on to Christmas.
These days are generally spent amongst family and friends, accompanied by rituals that either focus on the birth of baby Jesus, Santa and his fairy friends, a visit by the Krampus, or non of the above.
When I hear people refer to festival stress, I wonder how we’ve warped the Yule invitation of turning our energy inward and tending to our inner flame to something so external and, sometimes, beyond what we personally desire.
So how can we do both? Spend these moments more balanced and with awareness while still being part of all the fun?
The end of the year demands us to level our inner light and tend to our life force.
This will prevent us from giving all our attention and energy away, so we don’t have to suffer from festival fatigue and can actually accomplish our New Year’s resolutions. 🙂
Here’s why …
The folkloric allegory of the Holly King and the Oak King, who personify winter and summer, depicts it perfectly.
Both Kings are in a constant battle over the seasonal cycles, light and dark, renewal and growth.
In spring, the Oak King reigns over nature, bringing fertility, light and growth. At his peak on Midsummer, he’s overpowered by the Holly King, who in turn gains his full power by the autumn equinox and reigns over nature by Midwinter. The days are short, the ground is cold, and all potential has retracted into the Earth.
But it’s on Midwinter the Oak King is born again. Now it’s he who takes over the throne, and come spring, we witness the promise of his fortitude. At the peak of the Oak King’s reign, the perpetual battle between the Kings starts again.
By creating your own Yule ritual of course! The winter solstice, Yule, introduces Yuletide. Yuletide starts on the shortest day of the year and lasts until the 1st of January. During this time, the birth of the Oak King is celebrated.
Remembering that we’re just at the cusp of the promise of light returning is key. Due to the Earth’s axis, we still have to battle through some dark mornings. Even after the winter solstice, the mornings are still getting longer. It’s essential to balance the external and internal qualities of life.
This doesn’t mean that Yuletide is celebrated in silence. By any means, Yule traditionally is a lavish, very celebratory and social festivity.
It’s a beautiful way of celebrating transformation and the new Light Year ahead.
Ask yourself: What do I leave behind? As if you’ve been shedding skin in the ever-prevailing darkness that entered life after the summer solstice.
But even more so, what do I want to focus upon? It is as if the promise of light returning can enlarge that energy and focal point. See how your New Year’s resolution ties into this preparatory period?
I love to celebrate this time of awareness by burning a Yule Log.
Since I don’t have a fireplace to light my oak log, I anoint a candle that can burn for at least 288 hours (12 days) as my Yule Log substitute.
Oak is traditionally used during this festivity, representing longevity, strength, fertility, wisdom and, of course, the Oak King. So I make sure to add some oak leaves and acorns to my altar.
This whole ritual is about creating moments of gratitude for what has already come to pass. When doing this, visualise that your feelings of gratitude emit an energy of light which you send out into the new year.
It’s like creating a spell of attraction, drawing in all the things that make you feel even more appreciative. And who doesn’t want to experience more of the things they love?
What you need:
Sit with your log (be it wood or wax), pen and paper, and find feeling moments of gratitude. I like to divide these in no particular order:
Know that you can tweak or add this list however you desire.
Write down at least one memory you genuinely feel residing in the body for each area. Afterwards, find corresponding oils and/or herbs. One for each life area. Use your intuition. When in doubt, you’ll easily find information about the qualities of herbs and oils online.
Rub the oils on the wax or log whilst feeling gratitude. If you’re working with herbs only, use a bit of base oil (such as olive or almond) to anoint your candle, so the spices stick to your candle’s surface.
Don’t use cinnamon or any other inflammatory ingredients. If you insist on applying them, place them on your altar or use them with caution when burning your log.
If you want to decorate the wax or wood with a knife, go ahead – be creative, but please take good care of your fingers 🙂
This year I am using two candles, which are needed to cover the whole Yuletide. Therefore it’s easy to prepare one candle first, and as the moment of switching candles comes close, I’ll address the second one. But feel free to decorate all your wood or wax in one go.
Wishing you a merry time and all blessings be,
In need of some very personalised witchcraft to boost your 2023? Click here for more information!
Be careful if you decide to keep fire or flame burning. Safety first! My candles or placed very safely and in a layer of water. If in doubt, never leave a fire unattended. Snuff your candle (instead of blowing it out).
Gorgeous Being, If you rather like to listen to this blog, click here: Let me tell you first what this blog is not. It ain’t about magic, spell work or […]
Gorgeous Being,
If you rather like to listen to this blog, click here:
Let me tell you first what this blog is not.
It ain’t about magic, spell work or performing a ritual.
It will touch upon awareness and clarity of your thoughts, emotions and actions. And … how these qualities help you to predict your own future.
Inspired by the inscription ‘Gnothi Seauton’, the engraved words Know Thyself found on a column before entering the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, where the Pythia – the Greek oracle of Antiquity, resided.
Okay, let me give you just a little bit of historical background …
People travelled across Greece to gain her insights. After sufficient offerings were laid upon the altar outside the temple, the inquirer was allowed to enter. The Pythia may have received messages directly from the Gods, or she was in a state of delirium (caused by, among other things, the fumes and gases rising out of a crack in the earth’s surface). It probably was a combination of both. Whatever the case, she was famous throughout Greece.
Now, if you’ve been envisioning the Pythia as one individual priestess who turned over 500 years old … that wasn’t the case. The Pythia was, throughout the years, embodied by different, initiated priestesses – performing the sacred task of being the oracle. If our traditions were the same and if she was alive in our time, we would refer to her as an idol.
This shows the beauty of it all. Being the oracle is not a gift bestowed upon one individual. With what I know about the Divine and Divine Intelligence, we don’t need an outsider to enable that connection. Though, help can come in handy because receiving clarity in messages might depend on where you are in your journey. But for the next part, don’t worry about that. You got this!
You are the one with knowledge of a thousand libraries stored in every cell of your body, bones, and Being. And this is your invitation to become your own oracle.
As you might well know, I love to guide people in creating clarity of mind and desire. We can start weaving our manifestations more easily when we come from a place of clarity. Clarity comes down to: Know Thyself.
So at the nearing end of 2022, energy is turning inward as the world in the Northern Hemisphere prepares for winter and her own Dark Moon phase.
This is your invitation to start gathering knowledge about yourself. By creating an overview of the experiences you’ve had, the choices made, and the roads travelled, you gain insight into if these previously made decisions are in alignment with your heart’s desire.
Are the roads you’ve travelled bringing you closer to what you want to manifest?
Are the things you’ve experienced and encounters you’ve had moments that you like to have more of?
Winter is coming; therefore, it is the right time to prepare yourself by taking your Divine Intelligence to heart. Become the oracle and create a moment of magical web-weaving to prepare yourself for the future.
Start with creating a moment of silence. If a guided meditation gets you there – go for it! Once you feel connected (meaning the mind chatter has quieted down), be aware of the moment. Give yourself permission to be vulnerable and honest, and tap into your heart’s desire. If it’s a big one, let the next question allow you to cut a big manifestation into smaller steps. Ask yourself:
‘What is my desire for the next couple of months? What do I want to accomplish?’
Write it down. Suppose you fancy creating a visual reminder of what you want to manifest. You can make a vision board or jot down your answer on an inspiring postcard later.
Now it’s time to become your own oracle and predict the future by shifting your attention to everything you know about yourself. Ask yourself:
‘What are my pitfalls or weaknesses in connection to what I want to manifest?’
Make a list of all the things that come to mind. Think about the effect of where your time and energy flows. The people you spend time with and the quality of those connections. And, of course, scan your thoughts, emotions and decisions. How will or have these things affected that which you want to manifest?
You just created a list of things that cause big or small blocks on your journey towards a more effortless way of manifesting. Make two lists. Call them the “elimination” and “investment” lists and fill out the following:
‘What of these things can I do less of or totally eliminate?’ and,
‘What skills can I invest in or decisions do I need to make that allow for that desire to happen?’
Great! Now that’s a lot of information that asks for implementation. My advice is to take it easy on yourself. I would already call your list an extensive one if you jotted down three or more things. Take it step by step and focus first on the low-hanging fruits.
Create the following by listening more to how your body responds to what you write down than what your mind thinks of it. We tend to create action plans from very goal-getter energy caused by the strategic skills of the left side of the brain. In our western culture, we’re already doing enough of that. Try to spark an opening for your right brain information and creativity and list:
‘What would be a loving structure of implementing the things mentioned on your elimination and investment lists?’
Make it efficient and loving to self. Remember, we are preparing for winter, so slowing it all down is what nature invites us to do.
Maybe, after all, this blog was about magic.
Gnothi Seauton and Blessed Weaving,
Want to take it a step further? Get your ticket for the last event of 2022 here.
Location: Schoorl – The Netherlands and yes it’s in Dutch 🙂
May we celebrate that we are leaving “The Void” behind us and the promise of light is upon us – welcome to Imbolc. The time when the air still feels […]
May we celebrate that we are leaving “The Void” behind us and the promise of light is upon us – welcome to Imbolc. The time when the air still feels crispy, it might even snow, but below that winter blanket, there’s the promise of new life. And as our bodies start to receive more intense rays of light from the skyclock up above, we know that the seasons are shifting and winter will turn into spring.
I love this time of year when the light returns. It always ignites my manifestation magick practices.
December and January support me in retreating for an in-depth process of inner alchemy. Can you envision me stirring a cauldron, loudly cackling away while adding all kinds of ingredients into my boiling brew? This retreating is my technique for digesting all life’s experiences that were gifted to me in that year.
By February, I start to get a more precise grip on what I desire to manifest. Or even better put, I begin to receive information on the actions I can take in daily life to quicken the materialisation of what I’m drawing in.
This can be mundane information, such as creating a new time management schedule for a project or changing my workout routine. But it can also be on a spiritual level, for example adding or changing a ritual, or focussing on balancing a chakra energy that will help me in my growth towards the embodiment of my vision.
But it all starts with opening the doors to what ignites you by tending to your inner frequency, tending to that inner flame.
Let me help you with a guided seated meditation to bring back your fire. So you can radiate your magick into your life and create a world you want to live in.
With love and fiery blessings,
We all know this beautiful crystal! For most of us, rose quartz is one of the first crystals in our collection. It’s a widely available mineral with a soft to […]
We all know this beautiful crystal! For most of us, rose quartz is one of the first crystals in our collection. It’s a widely available mineral with a soft to warm pink radiance and loved for its harmonising, nurturing energy.
I have to be honest with you, I came late to the rose quartz party (probably still early at the age of sixteen, but hey I got my first crystal when I was five).
Rose quartz wasn’t one of my favourites when I started collecting as a child, maybe because I didn’t vibe with it or simply because it wasn’t on my radar. Even after adding some rose quartz pieces to my collection (which were all gifts by the way), it took me a while to appreciate it beyond ‘just pretty’.
Looking back on my personal growth I’m so grateful that this crystal energy grew on me. On a personal level, I’ve witnessed its enforcement in implementing practices of self-love, acceptation and trust. As a crystal therapist and witch coach, I continuously observe the loving guidance this crystal energy offers to my clients during their transformations.
This crystal is one of nature’s most significant mineral gifts in the (self) love department, and I’m here for it!
It’s the go-to frequency amplifier for love, self-love, harmony, nurture and support. This crystalline spirit can help in your process of working through traumas, grief, loss, and insecurity. With its calming vibes, it’s a very suitable crystal for young children who have difficulty with being alone, sleeping and resting, and feeling secure. For these apparent reasons its part of “The Love Collection”, and if you’re still on the lookout for a unique piece, click here.
Gorgeous being, Let me start off with wishing you a blessed, wonderful, magical and healthy new year! Oh my dear spirits, what a year 2020 has been … I won’t spend […]
Gorgeous being,
Let me start off with wishing you a blessed, wonderful, magical and healthy new year!
Oh my dear spirits, what a year 2020 has been … I won’t spend time on how this year has been like no other we have ever witnessed – it was quite apparent and 2020 will definitely be marked in our history books.
I earnestly wish last year has given you something beautiful! Maybe in the form of silence and serenity, perhaps in the form of discovering an unfathomable power deep within.
In this video I’ll share my divinatory insights about the magic of manifesting – what that even means for 2021 – accompanied by a new moon meditation and a separate ritual which you can repeat whenever you feel like it. I’ll explain more in the video. Happy weaving!
With love,
I have to share this ritual with you ’cause it’s simple, effective and in my experience the one that always gets the job done – for it embodies this element of ‘out of your head – and into action’. 2021 will be a year of focussing on the little steps that get you to where it is you want to be. Not meaning that your dreams and desire shouldn’t be BIG.
Besides that this ritual brings together the practice of self-love, personal energy, intuition, embodied action and empowerment. Gotta love such a packed ritual right?!
– Sage, Palo Santo or any other herb or aura spray you like to cleanse your space with,
– Candle,
– Journal,
– Optional: your favourite music.
If you’re reading this on the 13th of January, know that we’re still in the dark moon… Now is not the time to a ham on your manifestations, but the right timing for introspection and preparation.
Make sure you create some ‘me’ time. Physically cleanse the space your in, and energetically cleans it by using your Palo Santo or Sage, etc. If you have the possibility to also take a bath, or shower… do it!
When you’re ready do whatever is needed to get you in the zone. Maybe listen to this meditation that I have recorded, put on your fav. music, sing, dance, or do breathing exercises. Whenever you feel ready light the candle, sit in front of it and stare into the flame. You can protect your eyes by squinting or staring at the candle through a veil placed over your head. Take at least 5 to 10 minutes to fully let your monkey brain do all the chitter-chatter it wants. Let the mind calm down, and be present in the moment.
When you become aware of the calm mind, imagine that you and the flame are one. Become the light of the flame. After sitting like this for about 2 minutes let the fire that is you represent the fire of your manifestation – that thing that you’re calling into your life. Again, let everything melt together – flame, Self, manifestation, flame, Self, manifestation. Stating that the thing that you long for is already in the now, including how this makes you feel.
For example;
‘I wish to find a new job’, becomes ‘I am enjoying my creative and ever-expanding new job and I feel blessed with …’.
After staying in this space for a few minutes go for pen and paper and answer the following questions (considering the thing you’re calling in):
– What area of my life can use a cleanse?
– What area of my life could use more fire, action or rebellion?
– Which traditions, rituals, etc. am I holding onto, but are old and can be released?
– What obstacles (be it mental, emotional, or on a more mundane level) do I keep bumping into and are keeping you from your happiness?
– What can I regularly gift myself, which will help me move closer to my heart’s desire?
Repeat this practice for three days in a row. Then compare your answers and let them inspire you to take embodied action.
And remember – have fun!
Gorgeous Being! I hope this message finds you well in these extra-ordinary times. We are all going through significant changes on multi-dimensional levels, and I want you to know you […]
Gorgeous Being! I hope this message finds you well in these extra-ordinary times. We are all going through significant changes on multi-dimensional levels, and I want you to know you are not alone.
Many of you have been reaching out in various ways. We talked about emotions and thoughts during this pandemic, family and work, anxiety and stress.
Questions that I’ve been getting the last couple of weeks haven’t gone unnoticed. So let me share with you my “witch tips” on how to stay healthy and strong whilst being locked up in your home.
Through the years, I’ve noticed the beneficial effects of having a morning routine. When I stick to this habit, my day flows with much more ease.
Now don’t think this routine is taking me hours. I’m someone who doesn’t take nor have all day to meticulously go through detailed routines. I love techniques that are is easy, accessible and applicable, and if those things help me get the results that I want, I’m going to stick to them – no matter what.
Also, my routines aren’t static. No repetitive behaviour whole year-round. I have a witchy mindset which flows with the seasons. So as I change with the seasons, so do my habits.
But it is times like these (the moments when humankind adds so much energy to a specific type of being and believing) that I feel the need to amp up my game.
So let me share with you three routines that I’ve been practising the last couple of weeks. Just to keep my body and energy-field healthy and strong.
A) Every morning I make myself a fresh celery juice. Sometimes pure celery, other times, I add different greens such as spinach, kale, green pepper or wheatgrass. And a zest a lemon always gets me going.
First time I drank it, which was years ago, I didn’t like the taste at all. Still, I stuck to regularly slow juicing celery because I noticed my skin getting clearer, my energy levels going up, and in the morning I didn’t need two cups of coffee anymore to get me going. This juice works wonders for my metabolism and is amongst other things, high in vitamins C and K and potassium.
B) Move. I used to have exercise-induced asthma in my teens and got used to not moving because I wasn’t fond of using my inhalator for two reasons.
The first one had everything to do with having gone through a couple of intense asthma attacks. Imagine your breath suddenly taken and the feeling of not getting enough oxygen while you start to make this awful squeaking sound while breathing. A sudden asthma attack can be a scary experience that leaves its mark. I did everything in my power not to go through such episodes again.
The second reason was because of the medicine itself. It made me tired AF. So the best thing I could come up with to cope with this situation was not to exercise at all.
Can you imagine I’m a yoga teacher now? I never want to go back to these days of not feeling connected to my own body. I need to move, every day. Be it through a Vinyasa sequence or walking 10.000+ steps (I live at the edge of the forest, so that’s quite easy – though I walk way more when I’m in New York City hahaha).
Days when I don’t get to move as much as I’d like to take their toll on me – mentally and physically.
Movement is a celebration for my body and an appreciation to my body.
C) Since I’ve always been interested in ways to beat fear, I was naturally drawn to breathing techniques. And as a singer, I learned to breathe quite effectively. But breathing was taken to a whole other level when I started experiencing and researching different breathing techniques that were connected to my yoga practice.
Every morning I tune into my body and breath. My breath is my thermometer showing me where I am on the scale of being versus doing. There’re different techniques, and I’ll gladly share more about that, but let me get to the sharing in a minute …
I cleanse my auric field – daily – multiple times. This sounds like a hassle, but over these 22 years of practising, I sure did crack a code.
Let me share with you which tools always worked for me without getting into all the details of how this practice changed the life of this very intuitive and high sensitive person.
Crystals, herbs, incense and oils are my go-to’s. I used to burn a lot of incense when I was younger (which luckily didn’t trigger my asthma, for this was only exercise-induced). But once I went to university and moved out of my parental home, I noticed – with the travelling, staying over at other peoples houses etc. – that the burning of herbs and incense wasn’t always welcomed. Nor was it something that I found practical and accessible.
So I started experimenting with creating my own potions and elixirs. No more smoke, no extra luggage, just some potent witchcraft in a bottle to spray.
I started experimenting with boiling herbs, infusing water with different types of crystals and more. It turned into a practice that now is imprinted in my bones – or maybe it had been all long.
Nowadays, I share my potions in the form of crystal aura sprays with clients, spray them during yoga classes and design special editions for events, workshops and rituals.
Today I’m extra happy for I may announce that this new moon in Aries brings the launch of my very own webshop! And in the webshop, you’ll find amongst other products the special edition aura spray ‘Healing Waters’.
Healing Waters is that aura spray for extra-ordinary times! The mix of essential oils dates all the way back to 1413 CE and holds purifying, refreshing and revitalising ingredients. The healing properties of this spray are supported by water out of the Chalice Well in Glastonbury – known for its healing qualities. And I’ve amplified the vibrations of this spray with clear quartz crystal, moon magic and positive affirmations.
This is a perfect spray to accompany you at the (home)office to keep you energetically fresh and clean, and during the challenging winter months when your immune system can use an extra boost.
If you want to know more, I’ve recorded this video for you in which I share more about:
-the Healing Waters crystal aura spray,
– the ingredients I used,
– and a limited edition Healing Waters Boxset, which comes with the aura spray, a Healing Waters Candle and Clear Quartz Crystal including a gift from me to you. An online 30-minute coaching call to program your crystal. So you can stay on top of your game no matter what!
I have so much more to share on the topic of routines, consciously creating your energy and tuning in with your body, your mind and intuition.
I would love to share this with you in a free 7-day mini-course.
But before I go and spend hours behind a computer to create this course, I need to know from you if this is something you might be interested in and what it is that you want to learn.
Is it how to weave your own magic? Tap into your intuition. Create a helpful mindset and a healthy body. Or maybe something I haven’t mentioned so far …
Please reach out to me. Just give me a shout. E-mail me or send a message via Instagram or Facebook, and I’ll be in touch.
Let’s get in touch soon, so we can make this homebound time even more fruitful. Because it is when we get to grow and use our inner power on this beautiful planet, we all grow and evolve together.
For now – be healthy, wise and safe. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.
All blessings be,
It’s the first new moon of this decade on the 24th of January. To me, it always feels as if the new year is really settling in on the first […]
It’s the first new moon of this decade on the 24th of January. To me, it always feels as if the new year is really settling in on the first new moon. And the energy that she brings this time is totally resonating with that.
This year the new moon falls in the sign of Aquarius, the known water-bearer, but nonetheless an Air sign so pretty mental in nature. Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, bringing team spirit, quirkiness and innovative ideas. How to get the best out of these elements? Keep on reading, because there are more ingredients to add.
And with this new moon welcoming the Chinese Year of the Metal Rat! The Rat is the first in the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac and stands for high flexibility, vitality, spirit and alertness, with the element of metal adding some strong self-awareness and sensitivity.
Witch tip for 2020: The Metal Rat is divine energy fuelling your ambitions, drive and possible business dealings, thus an absolute power boost. Though be mindful. The Metal element can bring in some emotional sensitivity to the table. Make sure to check in with yourself regularly and take a moment to relax, so you don’t let your emotions run your life, business or communications.
So how to make the best of this astrological time and weave your magic? This new moon is a great time to start with setting your intentions. After the busy holiday season, I hope you’ve had time to do some grounding and inner work to get clear on what it is that you want to attract and manifest. If not, don’t worry – now is the time! Described below, you’ll find a three-step ritual to get your witch power going.
To attract and manifest your desires, it’s essential to spend time with your power frequency, namely the vibration of being the creator of your life. We’ve all heard it: dream big. Dreaming and hoping is one thing, but if fear and self-doubt are continuously popping up their heads, freezing instead of moving towards your desires, you’re keeping yourself away from your inherent power and the endless possibilities in which you can design your own life.
The new moon represents a deep sense of quiet, a journey within, while you transition through this lunar time of renewal and new beginnings – yay to the new year! Let’s use this time in creating clarity, strategy, but first and foremost, harmony.
To support yourself into attuning to your power frequency start by cleansing your auric field. Release and relief yourself of old vibrations and energetic debris that are a result of the past year or even decade.
Do this by taking a cleansing salt bath or shower. Salt cleanses your energy field, so while you’re playing mermaid, you’re getting an automatic cleansing of your system. You can even sprinkle some dried sage into your bathwater, which will support the clearing energies.
If possible, replace sea or Himalayan salt with Epsom salt to add minerals to the water that will support muscle relaxation due to the high levels of magnesium so you can also enjoy a physical detox.
If you don’t have a bath, make yourself a scrub from salt and sage.
While washing or bathing attune to the intention of releasing any negative vibrations that are keeping you from your highest potential. Really take time to quite the shatter that forms the obstacles on the road to attracting and receiving what it is that you desire.
After bathing, treat yourself like the divine being you are by massaging your body with your favourite mineral-free oil, like almond oil. You can add some essential oil with a soothing fragrance to the equation.
Think about your dreams. What are you manifesting during this new moon? While massaging your body, let the ideas come.
Now sit by your altar (or table), light your white candle (using white as a representation for all possibilities) and decorate your altar with white flowers. Meditate for a few minutes on all the desires that just travelled through your consciousness and pick only three things out of the whole bunch that you want to manifest.
Write down:
1. Something you wish will unfold quite quickly,
2. Something which you want within the course of three to four months,
3. And the third one over half a year.
Now use the following two weeks to revisit the three things on your list and journal. Writing down all the things that you can do to support a full display of your dreams into your life. Remember. Dreaming is one thing. Formulating them out in the open and into your journal is the second step of conscious manifesting. Acting accordingly is the third (and often forgotten) crucial step to open up your life to the frequencies that you want to attract.
If you really desire to make your magic insightful, set your alarm for the 3rd of August. On this day, a full moon in Aquarius will occur, allowing you to review the events over the past few months. Don’t worry if something didn’t manifest. Ask yourself if this is something that you really want, something that sparks an emotion of joy. If yes, find a new strategy to get you there. If not, drop it. And most important, celebrate your accomplishments!
– Himalayan, Sea or Epsom salt,
– Dried sage,
– Your favourite mineral-free body oil,
– White candle,
– White flowers,
– Journal and pen.
You are divine, pure potential. As a result, your innate power is infinite, and what you can accomplish might blow your mind. Lots of power to you while weaving your magic!
I absolutely would love to hear from you. Show or tell me how your ritual went. Upload your story or post on Instagram and use #aïshazafirah or send a message via Instagram or Facebook and I’ll be in touch.
New moon blessings,
Since Aïsha’s ‘Sacred Space Creation’, the part of my house that always felt gloomy and heavy has changed completely. It now has become a place where I happily spend time.
Pascal Elzinga
Aïsha met my wounded heart with compassion and guided my path back home. I found deep healing through a highly individualised practice and unique elemental medicine. Though great distances separated us, her sincerity flowed through the ethers and led me on a journey to the Underworld. These guided travels shared deep insights and valuable healing. I will gladly walk with her again.
Amy Alexi
She has a way with the energies that flow between mind, body, and spirit. How she guides me through my inner journey blows my mind!
Danny Slotboom
Only on appointment