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Wicked Wild Wisdom

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Gorgeous Being,
Nice to meet you

I'm Aisha

Crystal Priestess, Witch, Spiritual Alchemist. Dedicated to helping you overcome the obstacles in your life that keep you from your fullest potential.

Discover why I'm making witchcraft sexy

Soul Sessions

Make the most of your sacred journey

I believe that healing and transformation are an ongoing process. Sometimes coming quickly, fierce and empowering, at other times gentler and nursing. Always flowing in its own divine timing from a deep connection with Soul. That's why I've designed SOULDATES, for a one-time session, package or a selection of different souldates. Using your input and wishes to create a tailored souldate program so you can find and experience the support you need.

Powerful products
made with love

Rose Quartz – Chunks for Love Junkies

Stack Up On Mother Earth’s Crystalline Support

  • Boost your senses of safety and security
  • Works soothing during shadow work
  • Excellent crystal vibe for kids – all ages

‘Rose Quartz Chunks For Love Junkies’ hold the perfect frequency to boost your (self)love practice!

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Get your magical fix
Beltane Fire Magic Ritual To Help Manifest Dreams

The first of May welcomes you to the enchanting ambience of Beltane. Traditionally seen as a time of joy, abundance, growth, and the first manifestations of new beginnings. So it’s […]

Sacred Cleansing Ritual To Celebrate Ostara

Time for a sacred spring cleansing ritual! Ostara marks the vernal equinox, a time of balance, renewal, growth, and fertility. This celebration marks the beginning of spring in the wheel […]

A Self-Love Imbolc Ritual To Celebrate Your Magic

Get your cauldron out, my witch. It’s time for a self-love Imbolc ritual. Though the promise of light returning has been freshly made by our annual passing of the shortest […]

Create Your Own Yule Ritual

Can you sense our human desire for warmth, light, companionship and safety when the days get darker? It’s a very natural thing to experience. During the winter days, we flock […]

Becoming The Oracle

Gorgeous Being, If you rather like to listen to this blog, click here: Let me tell you first what this blog is not. It ain’t about magic, spell work or […]

.:Meditation:. Bring Back Your Fire

May we celebrate that we are leaving “The Void” behind us and the promise of light is upon us – welcome to Imbolc. The time when the air still feels […]

Rose Quartz – The Resonance of Love

We all know this beautiful crystal! For most of us, rose quartz is one of the first crystals in our collection. It’s a widely available mineral with a soft to […]

NY’s & New Moon Manifestation Ritual

Gorgeous being, Let me start off with wishing you a blessed, wonderful, magical and healthy new year! Oh my dear spirits, what a year 2020 has been … I won’t spend […]

Healing Routines

Gorgeous Being! I hope this message finds you well in these extra-ordinary times. We are all going through significant changes on multi-dimensional levels, and I want you to know you […]

A Ritual For The First New Moon of January 2020

It’s the first new moon of this decade on the 24th of January. To me, it always feels as if the new year is really settling in on the first […]


Since Aïsha’s ‘Sacred Space Creation’, the part of my house that always felt gloomy and heavy has changed completely. It now has become a place where I happily spend time.

Pascal Elzinga

Aïsha met my wounded heart with compassion and guided my path back home. I found deep healing through a highly individualised practice and unique elemental medicine. Though great distances separated us, her sincerity flowed through the ethers and led me on a journey to the Underworld. These guided travels shared deep insights and valuable healing. I will gladly walk with her again.

Amy Alexi

She has a way with the energies that flow between mind, body, and spirit. How she guides me through my inner journey blows my mind!

Danny Slotboom


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